Cosmic Law #5
Cosmic Law #5
"Do What You Love And Love What You Do!"

The Meaning of Life is to find that special gift or gifts you came into this world with—everyone has at least one—and the Purpose of Life is to find a Need in the world and share your gifts with others and make the world a better place. Namely, you should be manifesting into this world things that make it a better place and improve your life. Since we are all connected at some level, this increases the level of Unity Consciousness throughout the Cosmos.
Cosmic Law #5 is what sets you off in this direction—the only requirement is that what you do brings harm to no one and makes the world a better place—even a little bit better.
If you do this, you have discovered your innate Essence—something you're good at and love to do—this is The Meaning of Life—finding your Essence—your special innate gifts. As the Delphi Oracle of ancient Greece noted millennia ago, "Know thyself!"
And when you’ve connected your gifts with a need in the world that brings benefits to you and to others, you have uncovered your Life Purpose for that point in your life's journey. Your Life Purpose may change over time, but your fundamental Essence will not. It’s who you are at the deepest level.
What could be better?
We’ll eventually get to Cosmic Laws 1-4—but not necessarily in numerical order!
Enjoy your journey! Make a difference!
I Can See Clearly: Rise Of A Supernatural Hero
Life Is Beautiful: 12 Universal Rules
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