The Power of Gratitude
“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.” – Willie Nelson

Some years ago, Deepak Chopra, introduced me to some thoughts that are guaranteed to pick you up and out of the doldrums—especially helpful now during the challenges of this pandemic. Deepak discusses these ideas in his 21-Day Meditation program on abundance. If you haven’t tried it, I recommend you do.
It’s based on a concept I’ve discussed in my book, “Life Is Beautiful: 12 Universal Rules”—It’s impossible not to feel happy and fulfilled when experiencing a sense of gratitude. The more intense your gratitude, the more intense your positive feelings.
I’d like to share Deepak’s comments with you. Find a quiet place and read them, especially before entering into meditation. You will be surprised at the results.
Experiencing gratitude is one of the most effective ways of getting in touch with your soul. When you feel gratitude your ego step out of the way enabling you to enjoy greater love, compassion, and understanding.
Genuine gratitude is also one of the most powerful ways to invite more goodness into your life. It is as if you are saying to the universe, “Please bring me more of this!”
Gratitude is independent of any situation, circumstance, or personal experience. When you connect with this true inner joy you feel bliss for no reason. Simply being alive to gaze at the stars and appreciating the miracle of life itself brings you happiness.
To feel gratitude, consider all of the wonderful gifts you have in your life—nurturing, loving relationships, connections you have with special beings, the miracle of your body and fertile mind, and material comforts. Appreciating a life in this manner sweeps away any thought of lack or limitation and reminds you of the positive things that surround you. You realize that everything you experience is a gift.
As you move into that place of gratitude, notice the warmth, love, compassion, and sense of connection that enters your heart. Find peace in knowing that there is a divine plan moving you forward on your evolutionary path.
Realize the seed of goodness in every situation and embrace each moment of your life as an opportunity to evolve into a more loving and thankful being.
Thinking of the many things in your life that you appreciate, taking stock of your life’s many gifts and expressing gratitude will clear the way to even greater abundance to grow in your life. By giving thanks for all that you have and committing to live your life in deep appreciation, abundance is certain to flow to you. That is the attractive power of gratitude.
If you want a little help doing this, find a quiet comfortable place and watch this six-minute video on gratitude, co-authored by Gary Malkin with filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg.
Today, why not remember to be grateful. You’ll be amazed what it can do!
Chairman & Owner, Chateau Mcely