James A. Cusumano

Alchymist – Entrepreneur – Author – Filmmaker – Hotelier

Your True Reality & The Universe In A Nutshell

Dec 23, 2024 by James A. Cusumano


Your True Reality & The Universe

In A Nutshell


Ten Conjecturisms[1] on Life and the Universe[2]

James A. Cusumano

December 28, 2024

  1. The Birth of the Universe

Our universe began with a profound event—the “Big Bang”—emerging from a realm of infinite "nothingness." From an unfathomably small point—a singularity[3] smaller than an atom—an immense expansion unfolded with staggering speed. This primordial burst of “something” gave rise to all the energy and matter we know today. 


  1. The Primacy of Consciousness

Beneath the universe's physical facade lies the greatest cosmic mystery of all. As impossible as may be to comprehend, that fundamental “something” was  consciousness itself, the driving force  for creation of the Big Bang and its future. Its scientific laws transcend classical and quantum physics and are increasingly being explored via the emerging field of Transcendent Physics. Consciousness is the infinite source of all energy and matter in the universe and the essence of all existence. Some call It the Divine Source, or God. Many philosophers and theologians argue that Its presence flows through all things, uniting the cosmos in a silent, synchronous, eternal, rhythm.  

  1. The Spectrum of Consciousness 

Consciousness reveals itself through a triad of expressions: 

  • Immanent Consciousness: The underlying awareness associated with every particle of energy and matter in the universe—the True Reality, which is infinite and eternal.
  • Collective Consciousness: The interconnected web of all beings and entities, weaving a tapestry of unity among all energy and matter throughout the universe.
  • Cosmic Consciousness: An infinite, eternal Divine Source and awareness, resonating with six core values—Truth, Wisdom, Understanding, Forgiveness, Love, and Compassion—It is OmniscientOmnipotent, and Omnipresent. Together, these values and capabilities guide the unfolding of Universal Meaning and Purpose throughout the Cosmos.

Consciousness is not just an awareness vital to existence—it is all True Existence

  1. The Meaning and Purpose of the Universe

The universe exists as an evolving perfectly synchronous symphony of physical and consciousness evolution. Its Meaning lies in this ongoing transformation, while its Purpose is to continuously elevate consciousness itself. Consciousness is omniperfect by any metric. It’s only variable is its level. Energy, matter, and awareness interact in an intricate dance, governed by principles akin to the Universal Laws of Conservation of Energy and Mass. Consciousness, too, can be neither created nor  destroyed but can be transformed. There are important implications from Conjecturism 3. Through cosmic cycles of energy and mass creation from consciousness, its subsequent expansion, ultimate contraction, and dissolution back to consciousness, each universe gives birth to the next, ad infinitum. The level of evolved physicality, information, and consciousness of each universe is beyond that of all prior universes. This is an eternal process.

  1. Human Uniqueness

As evolution proceeds, among all of Earth’s species, human beings are consistently and invariably at the pinnacle level of both physical and consciousness evolution.  

  1. The Meaning and Purpose of Life

The Meaning of Life is for each species to recognize and embrace its innate gifts. Its Purpose is to use these attributes to contribute to the universe’s physical and consciousness evolution, thereby enhancing our world by fostering a globally favorable, sustainable, and more aware existence for all.

  1. Our Non-Dualistic Universe

Human beings inhabit a completely non-dualistic(all is connected) universe, where Collective andCosmic Consciousness permeate everything and reside within each individual, species, and entity. To access this inner power, one must quiet the influence of fear, desire, and chaos of the material world to achieve elevated levels of altered states of consciousness, e.g., through deep meditation. In contrast, dualism maintains that all is sperate and nothing is connected, which is the cause of humanity’s most perilous challenges.

Transcendence is a state-of-being beyond our physical world, while Immanence refers to a state-of-being present within our physical world. To say the Divine(God) is Transcendent means God is beyond us in space and time. To say God is Immanent means God is present in space and time and with us. Most organized religions emphasize Transcendence of the Divine, i.e., Duality—“We are down here and God is up there.” However, the Consciousness Conjecturisms emphasize Immanence, i.e., Non-Duality, “God is here with us.” In fact, the Divine is not only “with” you, but within you. So, God is at once, both Transcendent and Immanent—a cosmic source of great power.  

  1. Power of Manifestation

When aligned with Cosmic Values, through consistent persistence, human beings can bring forth anything into their physical realm, so long as it adheres to the Laws of Manifestation.

  1. Laws of Manifestation
  • A manifestation must cause no harm, according to the socio-cultural values and ethics where humans and other species function.
  • A manifestation must benefit the world, even to a modest degree.
  1. The Universal Web of Connection

Since our universe functions in accordance with the principles of non-duality, at its core, as described in Conjecturisms 3 and 7, all energy and matter in the universe are interconnected through consciousness, enabling true intimate communication and a Cosmic potential for manifestation. This requires elevated altered states of consciousness. 

Let these Conjecturisms spark curiosity, invite exploration, and deepen our understanding of ourselves, the world, the universe, and the vast consciousness that binds us all. 




[1] The word Conjecturism is meant to differentiate it from a simple conjecture, which is a quickly expressed thought or conclusion. In contrast, a Conjecturism is a well-thought-out, intelligently researched, and extensively analyzed conjecture. However, to be sure, it is not a proven fact. Conjecturisms are generally used in mathematics, philosophy, logic, and the sciences to describe the meaning or essence of very challenging concepts.

[2] These Ten Conjecturisms are a distillation of key elements from Chapter One in the book, James A. Cusumano, Dance to the Rhythm of the Cosmos, Waterside Productions, Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA, 2024.

[3] A point that has an infinite value—in this case, infinite energy.