Never Give Up!

It’s often called the shortest war-time political speech—ever. Although it’s not precisely what Churchill said on October 29, 1941, to the boys at Harrow School in London, it’s close enough to make the point that properly pursued, you can achieve your goals.
If you follow these guidelines, I believe you can’t fail.
- Your pursuit is based on your innate Essence—that innate gift or gifts you came into this world with.[1]
- Your goal touches your heart and soul with passion, which will carry you forward during challenging times.
- Success in reaching your goal will make the world a better place—even a little better.
- Your achievement brings harm to no one. In fact, it brings benefits to others, as well as to you.
- You are prepared to work diligently and earnestly and endure the “ups and downs” that often happen when creating something new.
- You focus your Intention on your goal, give it your primary Attention, but you Detach from the outcome. Here, Detachment means you know what you want for the endpoint; you work hard to get there; but you let the Universe handle the details. If you push hard on details that are ineffective, you are struggling against the entire Universe—all is connected.
- You are not easily dissuaded by so-called experts if, after thoughtful consideration on your part, their input does not touch your soul.
- You share the rewards with others.
There have been many times throughout my life when this philosophy has worked well for me, both personally and professionally. Here are three examples.
My partners and I launched Catalytica, Inc. during the worst U.S. recession since World War II. We were told by experts that the company could not possibly succeed. We worked hard for five years just to make ends meet, and then the economy turned around and we eventually morphed our enterprise into two public companies with more than 2,000 employees, Catalytica Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and Catalytica Energy Systems, Inc.
My former and deceased wife, Jane and I produced What Matters Most, a feature film which she wrote and directed, staring our actress-daughter, now known as Polly Cole. Less than 6% of all independent feature films are ever released. What Matters Most won awards in several international film festivals. It became a success on Lifetime Television and was eventually released in more than 50 countries.
When my wife, Inez and I set out to follow a dream that she created—Chateau Mcely—we had discussions with a number of developers, most of whom said the concept we had would not work in the Czech Republic. It’s been 15 years since we opened our doors and based on that dream and the intelligent dedicated efforts of our team to a unifying vision, Chateau Mcely has become one of Central Europe’s successful castle-hotels, spas, and forest retreats.
Create a Dream and follow it—everyone wants to be part of a dream.
Enjoy your journey! Make a difference!
Chairman & Owner, Chateau Mcely
“I Can See Clearly: Rise Of A Supernatural Hero”
“Life Is Beautiful: 12 Universal Rules”
[1] For details about Essence, see: James A. Cusumano, Life Is beautiful, 12 Universal Rules, Waterfront Press, 2015.