James A. Cusumano

Alchymist – Entrepreneur – Author – Filmmaker – Hotelier



Build A Winning Company

Build A Winning Company
Sep 03, 2021 by James A. Cusumano
In founding and, with my partners, leading the growth of two high-tech companies, traded on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange, we eventually discovered eight principles that can contribute to building a winning company.

Can You Cure Your Illness?

Can You Cure Your Illness?
Aug 03, 2021 by James A. Cusumano
Distracted by the ever-constant demands and clamor of our modern world, few of us take time to enter the quiet space of meditation, where, through self-awareness, we can recognize the true power that lies within.

Cloudy With A Chance Of Chaos

Cloudy With A Chance Of Chaos
Jul 27, 2021 by James A. Cusumano

Fourteen years ago, I coauthored a book entitled Freedom from Mid-East Oil with Rinaldo Brutoco, Founder & CEO of the World Business Academy. The book was a wakeup call on the need for energy independence and the looming possibility of an existential crisis precipitated by climate change. Last month Rinaldo published a poignant article on climate change that should be of interest to all of us. I reproduce it here for your information and consideration. 

Never Give Up!

Never Give Up!
Jul 15, 2021 by James A. Cusumano
It has said that “Tenacity Always Succeeds!” I believe a more correct and accurate statement is that “Appropriately Directed Tenacity Always Succeeds!”

Two Minutes That Will Make Your Soul Sing!

Two Minutes That Will  Make Your Soul Sing!
Jul 08, 2021 by James A. Cusumano
How the Vision and Values of an enterprise can make all the difference in its success!

Take The Lead!

Take The Lead!
May 04, 2021 by James A. Cusumano

What do you think would happen if a larger number of people in this world found and followed their Life Purpose?

One Person’s Faith, Hope, And Love Started A Movement—Overnight!

One Person’s Faith, Hope, And Love Started A Movement—Overnight!
Apr 29, 2021 by James A. Cusumano

History has shown us many times that a single act by one person when taken with the spirit of courage, hope, and love, can attract numerous supporters who desire to be a part of that dream. This is the story of Penelope Laingen, who, by a simple act, unwittingly started a powerful movement that happened nearly instantly.

Cosmic Law #5

Cosmic Law #5
Apr 25, 2021 by James A. Cusumano
The Meaning of Life is to find that special gift or gifts you came into this world with—everyone has at least one—and the Purpose of Life is to find a Need in the world and share your gifts with others and make the world a better place.

You’re Never The Same You!

You’re Never The Same You!
Apr 05, 2021 by James A. Cusumano
In the second edition of my book on Cosmic Consciousness, I discussed in some detail that your physical body undergoes rapid and extensive physical change. The April issue of Scientific American puts some additional quantification on this point.

The Giants In Your Life

The Giants In Your Life
Mar 18, 2021 by James A. Cusumano
I was recently interviewed by international YouTube Video Host, Bob Greenberg, who asked me for one example of a “Giant” in my life, who made a huge difference in helping me find my Life Purpose and how? Here’s my response.

Your Life Purpose

Your Life Purpose
Mar 18, 2021 by James A. Cusumano
I was recently interviewed by international YouTube Video Host, Bob Greenberg, who asked me, “How did you find your Life Purpose.” Here’s my response.

Abracadabra I’m Human!

Abracadabra I’m Human!
Mar 09, 2021 by James A. Cusumano
Have you ever heard of “The Hard Problem?” It’s considered the most difficult problem ever conceived by philosophers and scientists. It was stated and, to my mind, solved several thousand years ago by Wisdom Seekers of the East. However, many of today’s scientists and philosophers don’t agree with the solution—I’m not one of them. It’s an important problem because it says a lot about who you really are. I’ll describe it in modern-day terms.

Inspiring yourself And Others As A Path To A Better World And Life

Inspiring yourself And Others As A  Path To A Better World And Life
Mar 02, 2021 by James A. Cusumano
I would like to share with you a recent interview with Tania Van Pelt on her Happiness Series, in which I have discussed Inspirational Leadership—for self and others—Life Purpose, Personal Fulfillment, Alchemy, and what I see for our global future.

Social Impact Podcast

Social Impact Podcast
Feb 03, 2021 by James A. Cusumano

I want to share with you a 20-minute interview I just finished for The Impactors Podcast. The subject is finding and using your best skills to help make a better world for you and for others. I hope you find it of interest.

A What If Dreamer

A What If Dreamer
Feb 03, 2021 by James A. Cusumano

If you’re interested in increasing your level of happiness and fulfillment, you might consider reading my recent interview with Authority Magazine and Thrive Global, where I describe how to do this by becoming a “What-If Dreamer.”

The Power of Gratitude

The Power of Gratitude
Dec 08, 2020 by James A. Cusumano

Some years ago, Deepak Chopra, introduced me to some thoughts that are guaranteed to pick you up and out of the doldrums—especially helpful now during the challenges of this pandemic. Deepak discusses these ideas in his 21-Day Meditation program on abundance. If you haven’t tried it, I recommend you do. It’s based on a concept I’ve discussed in my book, “Life Is Beautiful: 12 Universal Rules”—It’s impossible not to feel happy and fulfilled when experiencing a sense of gratitude. The more intense your gratitude, the more intense your positive feelings.

Purpose & Passion—With A Twist!

Purpose & Passion—With A Twist!
Nov 17, 2020 by James A. Cusumano

As someone who has experienced Life Purpose and Passion as a path to Happiness and Fulfillment, and observed it in the lives of others,, I’m always intrigued to see it unfold throughout the world—sometimes even “with a twist!” You may have read that two companies—Moderna in Cambridge, Massachusetts and BioNTech in Mainz, Germany—recently announced success in developing a vaccine against Covid-19 which is more than 90 percent effective. This has been incredible progress, although there is still quite some distance to go for massive production and distribution of these vaccines, globally. However, if that process goes as smoothly as the research, it may be here faster than we think.


Nov 05, 2020 by James A. Cusumano

In Greek mythology, three goddesses called the Fates determined at birth the length of time each person would spend on Earth. Life span was said to be directly proportional to the length of a thread spun by the Fates for each person born. As you’ll see below, advances in genetics suggest this mythological tale may be a good metaphor for the mechanism for longevity.


Nov 05, 2020 by James A. Cusumano

Famous American folk author, Mark Twain, was once sitting on the edge of the Mississippi River, fishing with his teenage nephew, Joshua. They often talked about life during their fishing outings. At one point, Twain turned to his nephew and said, “Josh, do you know what the two most important days in your life are?” Josh thought for awhile and said, “Well, I guess the first one has to be when you’re born.” “Excellent!” was Twain’s response. “What about the second one?”Josh thought again and said, “Gosh, Uncle Mark, I’m not sure. Maybe when you die?”

Loving Yoga

Loving Yoga
Oct 28, 2020 by James A. Cusumano

These are indeed challenging times. Let’s hope when it’s over and the “dust has settles,” we will have learned something that serves us well as we create our future. To support you in your efforts, I offer a gift to help you navigate towards that future. It’s a unique one-hour yoga video—Loving Yoga—created and produced at Chateau Mcely by my wife, Inez and our two favorite yoga instructors, Jana, and Lucie.